School Safety Manual
Implementation of the protocol
Once the protocol has been created and adopted, copies should be distributed to all staff, and formal training sessions should be provided to familiarize staff with the content. Although schools may find it difficult to fit in to their existing training or professional development schedules, these should ideally be repeated on a yearly basis. Again, a memo explaining the protocol is far less effective than providing one or more training sessions, perhaps featuring speakers with expertise in child maltreatment and prevention. The secret to having a staff “buy into” the use of a protocol is to demonstrate to them the usefulness of such procedures in making their jobs easier and in helping children. The memo addressing protocol implementation might read:
All school staff will be expected to attend [number] hours of training. This training will be provided by the school and will be designed to promote accurate interpretation and effective ongoing application of the protocol. |
It is also useful to discuss this protocol with parents. The subject needs to be presented in such a way that parents recognize that the intent of the protocol is to protect their children by establishing a standardized process that provides direction and supports educators in meeting their responsibility to report, and that reporting is a way to help children who may be crying out for help.
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