Youth with Problematic Sexual Behaviors on Sex…
Youth with Problematic Sexual Behaviors on Sex Offender Registries: Risk or…
Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect
Massachusetts Department of Children and Families
600 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02111
Child-at-Risk Hotline (24 hours) 1-800-792-5200
Central Office (617) 748-2000
Auto Attendant (617) 748-2400
Fax: (617) 261-7435
Listing of Area Offices:
Office of the Massachusetts Child Advocate
One Ashburton Place, Fifth Floor Boston, MA 02108
Telephone: (617)979-8374 and toll-free (866)790-3690
FAX: (617) 979-8379
Investigates critical incidents involving children receiving services from the Commonwealth, reviews complaints regarding these services, and works with state agencies to develop inter-agency coordination. Has a special responsibility toward children in the care of the Commonwealth and in helping to resolve the problems of youth in foster care.
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children® (NCMEC)
Charles B. Wang International Children’s Building 699 Prince Street
Alexandria, Virginia 22314-3175
Hotline: 1-800-THE-LOST® (1-800-843-5678)
TTY: 1-800-826-7653
Telephone: 703-224-2150
Fax: 703-224-2122
The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) serves as a clearinghouse of information about missing and exploited children. It provides technical assistance to the public and law-enforcement agencies; distributes photographs of and descriptions about missing children worldwide; and coordinates child- protection education and prevention programs, training, and publications. NetSmartz is The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children’s website about internet and technology safety — for parents, teens, and educators. NCMEC’s CyberTipline is the nation’s centralized reporting system for the online exploitation of children.
Child Welfare Information Gateway
Children’s Bureau/ACYF Eighth Floor
1250 Maryland Avenue, Southwest Washington, DC 20024-2141
Toll-free: 1-800-394-3366
Telephone: 703-385-7565
Fax: 703-385-3206
Provides toll-free and local telephone numbers for reporting child abuse and neglect in each state. In most cases the toll-free numbers listed are only accessible from within the state. Also listed are links to state websites, which may provide additional information.
Childhelp USA
S 6730 N. Scottsdale Road, Suite 150, Scottsdale, AZ 85253
Hotline: 1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453)
Telephone: 480-922-8212
Staffed 24 hours daily by professional crisis counselors, this confidential hotline is accessible throughout the U.S., its territories, and Canada. Through interpreters, communication is possible in 140 languages.
National Center for Victims of Crime (NCVC)
Suite 480, 2000 M Street, Northwest Washington, DC 20036-3307
Telephone: 202-467-8700
The National Center for Victims of Crime is an organization dedicated to providing information, resources and advocacy for victims of all types of crime, as well as the people who serve them.NCVC offers help, information about options, and referrals to local victim services anywhere in the country.
Prevention and Treatment Organizations
The Children’s Trust
55 Court Street, 4th Floor Boston, MA 02108
Phone: 617-727-8957 Toll Free: 1-888-775-4KID Fax: 617-727-8997
Parenting information:
Email: (general information)
The Children’s Trust leads statewide efforts to prevent child abuse and neglect by supporting parents and strengthening families. The Children’s Trust reaches families across Massachusetts. Funds family support and parenting education programs in communities throughout Massachusetts. Parents can join support groups; families can attend activities at Family Centers; and young, first-time parents can enroll in a home-visiting program to get information, support and referrals. Programs include training in Shaken Baby Syndrome Prevention, helping fathers be involved in raising their children, and the prevention of child abuse.
Massachusetts Children’s Alliance (MACA)
11 Beacon St Suite 321, Boston, MA 02108
Phone: (617) 573-9800
MACA is an accredited state chapter of the National Children’s Alliance (NCA) and membership organization of the 12 Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs). MACA pioneers the most promising, leading-edge ways that help victims of child abuse receive the best possible care. A local, state, and national go-to resource for proven interventions, effective educational programs, and informed and committed legislative support. Works to enable an integrated, multidisciplinary team response to child abuse, and is committed to strengthening collaboration and driving systemic and societal change to protect children.
Massachusetts Society for a World Free of Sexual Harm by Youth (MASOC)
201 East Street, Easthampton, MA 01027
Phone: (413) 540-0712 x14
MASOC’s mission is to ensure that children and adolescents with problematic or abusive sexual behaviors live healthy, safe, and productive lives. Strives to prevent sexually abusive behaviors in these youth by training professionals and educating the community about developmentally appropriate interventions, evidence-based treatment, and effective public policies.
Massachusetts Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (MATSA)
P.O. Box 920621, Needham, MA 02492
Phone: 857-244-1416
The Massachusetts Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, Inc. (MATSA). MATSA is a non-profit local chapter of the national parent organization (ATSA). It was formed to carry out the mission of ATSA at the state level: to promote responsible assessment and treatment practices for adults with problematic sexual interests, behavior, or offending. ATSA remains dedicated to principles that foster research and information exchange, further professional education, and advance professional standards and practice in the field of sex offender evaluation and treatment. The MATSA Resource Directory offers a simple way to identify treatment providers in your area with an easy to use map.
Massachusetts Citizens for Children
112 Water Street, Suite 502, Boston, MA 02109
Phone: 617-742-8555
Massachusetts Citizens for Children (MassKids) is the oldest state-based child advocacy organization in the country. Their mission is to improve the lives of the state’s most vulnerable children and youth through advocacy by concerned citizens. Since the mid-70s, they have been committed to preventing the abuse and neglect of the state’s children. To ensure better and fairer outcomes for all children, they commit to involving and reflecting the diverse communities they serve; adopting policies that support equity; and practices that value and respect everyone.
National Children’s Trust Fund Alliance
P.O. Box 15206 Seattle, WA 98115
Web site:
Assists state children’s trust and prevention funds to strengthen families and protect children from harm.
National Children’s Alliance
516 C Street, NE Washington, DC 20002
Phone: 202-548-0090 or 800-239-9950
FAX: 202-548-0099
Provides training, support, technical assistance and leadership on a national level to local children’s and child advocacy centers and communities responding to reports of child abuse and neglect. A children’s advocacy center is a child-focused, facility-based program in which representatives from many disciplines, including law enforcement, child protection, prosecution, mental health, medical and victim advocacy, and child advocacy, work together to conduct interviews and make team decisions about investigation, treatment, management and prosecution of child abuse allegations.
Committee for Children
2815 Second Ave., Suite 400, Seattle, WA 98121
Phone: 800-634-4449
Provides award-winning social skills curricula for the prevention of child abuse, bullying, and youth violence, as well as family education, training and technical assistance to educators throughout North America.
Crimes Against Children Research Center
University of New Hampshire
125 McConnell Hall, 15 Academic Way
Horton Social Science Center
Durham, NH 03824
Phone: (603) 862-3541
The mission of the Crimes against Children Research Center (CCRC) is to combat crimes against children by providing high quality research and statistics to the public, policy makers, law enforcement personnel, and other child welfare practitioners. CCRC is concerned with research about the nature of crimes including child abduction, homicide, rape, assault, and physical and sexual abuse as well as their impact.
Safer Society Foundation
P.O. Box 340, Brandon, VT 05733-0340
Phone: (802) 247-3132
Fax: (802) 247-4233
The mission of Safer Society Foundation, Inc., a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, is to provide services and resources for preventive and restorative responses to sexual and social violence.
Stop It Now
351 Pleasant Street, Suite B-319, Northampton, MA 01060
Helpline: 1.888.PREVENT or email the Helpline
Tel: 413.587.3500 (non-Helpline related inquiries only)
Stop It Now’s vision was to have the sexual abuse of children recognized as a preventable public health problem and to help adults take responsibility to prevent and stop sexual abuse of children. With a commitment to prevention, Stop It Now! creates and disseminates effective programs based on this principle of adult responsibility, shared through a hopeful and compassionate lens.
NOTE: A more complete list of local and national reporting and prevention organizations can be found on the Safe Kids Thrive website on its National and Statewide Resources page: |
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