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51A Report Form

This official form from the Department of Children and Families is used to report alleged child abuse or neglect. This form includes space for a ...

Code of Conduct

Abuse Prevention Curricula

This document provides links to resources that can be used to develop abuse prevention curricula. The resources, from various sources like the...

Screening & Hiring

CORI Acknowledgement Form

This form is provided by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety and Security is used for organizations requesting...

Screening & Hiring

CORI Request Form

This form is provided by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety and Security is used for requesting Criminal Offender...


CSA Prevention Tool for Organizations

This checklist was developed by Dr. Sandy K. Wurtele. It outlines specific Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) prevention guidelines for Youth-Serving...

Policies & Procedures

Dance Studio Policies and Student Handbook

This is a guide to writing a handbook for a Youth-Serving Organization (YSO) through the lens of a dance studio. The document provides guidelines...


DCF Child Abuse Registry Request

This document created by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Dept of Health and Human Services is meant to help organizations request information...


DCF Mandated Reporter Guide 2018

This document provides specific definitions of who are considered mandated reporters, what their responsibilities are, definitions of abuse and...

Code of Conduct

Definitions, Acronyms, Glossary

This resource includes definitions and acronyms commonly used in child abuse prevention. The document is helpful in understanding other child...


Educating Children and Youth

This document includes information about appropriately educating children about abuse and neglect. It outlines what children should learn from...

Code of Conduct

Example Resource

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Guidelines for Disclosure

This resource helps guide Youth Serving Organization (YSO) staff and volunteers prepare for disclosures of abuse. This includes appropriate ways to...

Code of Conduct

Legislative Mandate

The document is a copy of a legislative mandate establishing a Task Force for child sexual abuse prevention in Massachusetts. It can be used as ...


Level 1 Evaluation: Reaction

This document provides information on Level One of Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Training Evaluation. In particular, it focuses on the learner’s...


Massachusetts Rape Crisis Programs

This resource provides locations and contact information for rape crisis programs across Massachusetts. These resources span a variety of topics and...


Other Comprehensive Resources

This resource provides links to two comprehensive resources, including “Preventing Child Sexual Abuse Resources” and “Safe-Child Standards...

Policies & Procedures

Policies and Procedures

The resource provides information about implementing a child sexual abuse prevention policy, including specific steps for Youth-Serving...

Code of Conduct

Positive Youth Development

This resource provides information about positive youth development, including its definition and how its usefulness in child safety. It includes...


Prevention Organizations

This is a list of child abuse prevention organizations from across the United States. The document provides locations and contact information for...

Monitoring Behavior

Problematic Sexual Behaviors Infographic

This visualization, created by the Massachusetts Legislative Task Force for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse, includes the potential process and...


Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect

This document provides locations and contact information for reporting child abuse or neglect for other states. It includes information from various...

Code of Conduct

Sample Code of Conduct (PDF)

This resource acts as an example for Youth Serving Organizations (YSOs) to support their creation of their Code of Conduct. It includes statements...

Code of Conduct

Sample Code of Conduct (Word)

This example Code of Conduct for Youth Serving Organizations (YSOs) can be used to support the creation of a Code of Conduct at any YSO. ...

Safe Environments

Sample Electronic Communication Policy

This Electronic Communication Policy is an example of how Youth Serving Organizations (YSOs) can communicate policies with the public. This sample...

Safe Environments

Sample Electronic Communications Policy

This Electronic Communication Policy is an example of how Youth Serving Organizations (YSOs) can communicate policies with the public. This...

Policies & Procedures

Sample Policies and Procedures

The document provides links to ten outside resources with examples of policies and procedures from Youth Serving Organizations (YSO) including...

Screening & Hiring

Sample Questions for Previous Employers

This document includes sample questions to ask previous employers or references for applicants during the screening process. These questions are...


Sample Self-Audit Form for YSOs

This form was designed for Youth Serving Organizations (YSO) to determine how safe their organization is for children. It includes eight detailed...


Sample Training Evaluation

This general training evaluation tool is for trainees to complete once they are done with a training. The training evaluation includes questions...

Screening & Hiring

SORI Request Form

This form is provided by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Sex Offender Registry Board and is used by organizations to request SORI or Sex Offender...


Training Evaluation Sample

This document is a sample evaluation tool for trainees to evaluate trainings they have attended. Evaluation questions include details about the...

Screening & Hiring

What if a Criminal Record is Discovered

This document provides detailed information regarding criminal histories and background checks when screening and hiring people to work with...

Code of Conduct

YSO Pledge for Child Safety

This is a sample pledge for child safety for Youth-Serving Organizations (YSOs) in Massachusetts. The document provides opportunities for YSOs to...