Continuous Improvement of Your Policies and Procedures
Your Policies and Procedures must be continuously referred to throughout the year. At a minimum, an annual review of all policies and procedures…
Home / Training / The Value of Training in YSOs
Your organization has the opportunity to support and empower young people to feel confident, protected, and safe in their homes and communities. Since they collectively share the responsibility for preventing child sexual abuse, your staff, volunteers, parents, and young people need the information and skills to confidently create safe environments for children/youth. While the scope of training must be adapted to your organization’s size and unique characteristics, the universal goal of maintaining safe environments for children/youth is attainable—regardless of your organization’s mission, culture, or resources.
By providing comprehensive training to your staff and volunteers, you’ll let potential offenders know you’re keenly aware of the threat of sexual abuse, are committed to talking about it, and are capable of confronting and exposing anyone who abuses or attempts to exploit children/youth. You’ll also send the important message to victimized children and youth that they are not to blame, but are heard, believed, and supported, and you can serve as a model and resource for parents and communities to take positive action.
Policies & Procedures
Your Policies and Procedures must be continuously referred to throughout the year. At a minimum, an annual review of all policies and procedures…
Parents and other caregivers need to receive, at a minimum, the same level of prevention education as their child/youth. Parents can be strong…
Why Collect Data? “Mathematics” and “measurement” are words that send many of us scurrying for cover, but in the world of organizational…
Code of Conduct
Every YSO has certain risks associated with its activities, functions, and responsibilities—and thinking about those risks is an important part of…
Effective abuse prevention training provides learners with new information, knowledge, and skills. Your leadership is critical to the ways in which…
Screening & Hiring
Here’s how you can develop a screening policy that fits your organization’s role, size, and resources: Know the screening rules and…
Screening & Hiring
Finding and retaining a qualified and diverse workforce is one of the greatest challenges for youth-serving organizations like yours. Given the…
Training for Different Audiences Training programs designed to prevent child sexual abuse take many forms and contain varying levels of detail,…
Leadership at Youth-Serving Organizations (YSOs) should maintain regular communication on the culture of safety with staff, volunteers, parents, and…
Screening & Hiring
To strengthen your screening and hiring process, you can use the questions in Thinking About Risk to make decisions about what additional background…
Customized child sexual abuse prevention guidelines to meet the unique needs of any organization that serves children.
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