Safe Environment Strategies: Transportation
Your youth-serving organization may provide transportation to children and youth—either on a regular or occasional basis. If you’re a larger…
Home / Screening & Hiring / Screening Toolbox: Written Job/Volunteer Application & Statement of Suitability
A written application provides you with the information you need to assess the background and interests of applicants for your organization’s paid and volunteer positions. The questions you ask should help you determine whether applicants have mature adult relationships, as well as clear boundaries and ethical standards for their conduct with children and youth.
The written application should include a statement of interest or cover letter in which applicants are asked to describe their interest in your organization and the position for which they are applying. You may want to also consider requiring a more in-depth statement of interest from individuals, particularly youth, for whom work history is minimal and/or criminal history is unavailable.
Here are some suggestions for questions to include on your written application and a sample Statement of Suitability.
Safe Environments
Your youth-serving organization may provide transportation to children and youth—either on a regular or occasional basis. If you’re a larger…
Screening & Hiring
Finding and retaining a qualified and diverse workforce is one of the greatest challenges for youth-serving organizations like yours. Given the…
A Model for Evaluation: Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Training Every training course needs a method of collecting feedback to ensure a course is…
Parents and other caregivers need to receive, at a minimum, the same level of prevention education as their child/youth. Parents can be strong…
Safe Environments
Safe Environment Strategies: Visibility Whether or not you can control the design of your space, physical safety depends on your ability to…
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Who Are Mandated Reporters? Massachusetts law defines a number of professionals as mandated reporters (for the full list, see MGL Chapter 119,…
Policies & Procedures
Whether your organization is evaluating an existing policy or creating a new one, we’ve provided a convenient Child Sexual Abuse Prevention (CSA)…
Customized child sexual abuse prevention guidelines to meet the unique needs of any organization that serves children.
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