Make Your Own Code of Conduct
Your Code of Conduct will provide your staff, volunteers, and others responsible for children and youth with very specific guidelines that will…
Home / Policies & Procedures / Sample Policies & Procedures
You can find examples of policies and procedures from organizations whose mission is to serve and protect children/youth below.
Code of Conduct
Your Code of Conduct will provide your staff, volunteers, and others responsible for children and youth with very specific guidelines that will…
Screening & Hiring
When possible, it can be informative to observe an applicant in your environment with the child(ren) and youth you serve, to look for potential red…
Safe Environments
Safe Environments should be created by having clear sight lines, proper staff-to-child ratios, and safety standards for all personnel and…
Safe Environments
Your youth-serving organization may provide transportation to children and youth—either on a regular or occasional basis. If you’re a larger…
Policies & Procedures
Policies for youth-serving organizations in Massachusetts should clearly identify the duties and responsibilities of all staff, reflect both Federal…
The approaches in the chart below can provide frameworks that make your organization most effective when training adults and/or children/youth….
Monitoring Behavior
Protocols should be developed in order to inform staff and volunteers about supervision, communication, and reporting procedures at your…
Training Contractors, Consultants, and Interns When it comes to training your contractors, consultants, and interns, there is certain core…
Policies & Procedures
Whether your organization is evaluating an existing policy or creating a new one, we’ve provided a convenient Child Sexual Abuse Prevention (CSA)…
Long-term organizational change is a process of continuous review, evaluation, and communication. It includes regularly examining what is working…
Customized child sexual abuse prevention guidelines to meet the unique needs of any organization that serves children.
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