Safe Environment Strategies: Supervision
Along with site safety, visibility issues, physical access, and security procedures, supervision is a critical aspect of creating and maintaining…
Home / Monitoring Behavior / What is Monitoring Behavior?
Monitoring Behavior is the responsibility of all staff to hold each other accountable for appropriate behaviors and to report inappropriate conduct to leadership. Staff, volunteers, and leadership at your organization should use Monitoring Behavior to heighten their awareness of inappropriate or concerning behaviors at your Youth-Serving Organization (YSO) and address all issues before behaviors escalate to become harmful.
At minimum, Monitoring Behavior includes:
References to your Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics. Use the standards for behavior defined in your Code of Conduct to guide the process. Your Code of Ethics should outline your organization’s overarching principles that apply to all situations and behaviors, whether or not they are explicitly outlined in your Code of Conduct.
All staff understanding their mutual responsibility to hold each other accountable for appropriate behavior. Ensure staff and volunteers’ awareness of their requirement to maintain safety standards, by observing their own and others’ behaviors at the YSO. Staff and volunteers should be required to report all observations, concerns, or suspicions before they escalate to harmful behaviors.
Regular training for all staff and volunteers on expected and prohibited behaviors and how to report concerns. Staff and volunteers should be knowledgeable in identifying appropriate, inappropriate, and harmful behaviors and how and to whom to report concerns. Staff and volunteers should be encouraged to discuss and correct one another’s behaviors, and report observations and suspicions of harm to leadership.
An identified team or staff member takes the lead in addressing ongoing child safety and serves as a resource for all staff. Your YSO should choose a staff member or team of staff to lead safety efforts. This team is responsible for regularly reviewing your Monitoring Behavior Protocols and updating them when needed to address any new concerns or safety issues. This team should also be available for staff to discuss questions and concerns about any behavior. An individual on the team may also be responsible for reporting to the Department of Children and Families (DCF).
Leadership reinforcing expected behaviors, redirecting inappropriate behaviors, and reporting harmful behaviors. YSO leadership should model appropriate and expected behaviors and observe and be aware of behaviors of all staff and volunteers. They should continuously reinforce the importance of behaving appropriately while redirecting inappropriate behaviors and reporting harmful ones.
Monitoring Behaviors and holding regular conversations about appropriate, inappropriate, and harmful behaviors are critical in keeping children safe at your YSO. All staff and volunteers are responsible for the safety of children in your care and should be aware of this responsibility.
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Customized child sexual abuse prevention guidelines to meet the unique needs of any organization that serves children.
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