Screening Toolbox: National Criminal & Sexual Abuse Background Checks
Certain organizations, such as public schools and licensed childcare programs, must also query national criminal record and fingerprint-based…
Home / Training / What is Training?
Training programs are offered to staff at least annually to heighten awareness of your commitment to safety and help create a culture of zero-tolerance for child abuse at your Youth-Serving Organization (YSO).
At minimum, your Training program should include:
All staff and volunteers understand and review, at least annually, your policies and procedures, including your Code of Conduct, Safe Environment, Screening and Hiring, and Reporting requirements. Ensure staff and volunteers are familiar with all policies and procedures for child safety at your organization. Staff and volunteers should be given an opportunity to ask questions at any time to help them gain a better understanding of safety policies.
Annual training is provided on the different forms of child abuse and neglect, their prevalence in childhood, the long-term impacts on children, and how to recognize the signs and symptoms of abuse and grooming. Trainings centered on child abuse and neglect should be provided annually, with a focus on recognizing signs and symptoms of abuse in children, grooming behaviors in adults, and staff responsibility to report instances of either. Staff and volunteers should have an in-depth understanding of child abuse in order to uphold the safety standards at your organization.
All training provided uses a variety of methods, including in-person and virtual, on-the-job and on-site instruction, and training with other YSO partners. Depending on the size and resources of your organization, training can be accessed from a variety of domains, allowing multiple ways to access information about child abuse prevention. Resources, factsheets, handouts, and flyers as well as on-site and online resources should be shared with and be accessible to all staff and volunteers.
Resources, factsheets, handouts, and flyers are available and readily accessible on-site and online resources are shared with all staff and volunteers. Resources should be given to staff and volunteers for better access to child abuse prevention information. Physical or virtual resources give staff and volunteers a chance to refer to materials whenever needed.
Teaching staff and volunteers about child abuse and neglect and prevention strategies helps your YSO prioritize child safety. Trainings should provide staff and volunteers with knowledge about the signs and symptoms of child abuse and grooming behaviors in adults, as well as the resources to reference as needed.
Screening & Hiring
Certain organizations, such as public schools and licensed childcare programs, must also query national criminal record and fingerprint-based…
Training for Different Audiences Training programs designed to prevent child sexual abuse take many forms and contain varying levels of detail,…
Code of Conduct
Leadership at your Youth-Serving Organization (YSO) should implement the Code of Conduct by including it in many aspects of the organization. The…
Code of Conduct
It’s essential that interactions between your employees/volunteers and the youth you serve are appropriate and positive, support positive youth…
Screening & Hiring
State and federal laws and regulations require specific types of screening and background checks—particularly criminal and sexual offense records…
Safe Environments
Safe Environments should be created by having clear sight lines, proper staff-to-child ratios, and safety standards for all personnel and…
Sometimes, a child/youth might self-disclose an abusive situation to an adult in your organization. These disclosures can be direct, where the child…
Screening & Hiring
A personal interview provides an opportunity for you to meet applicants and determine if they are a good fit for your organization. It’s also a …
Screening & Hiring
Your Youth-Serving Organization’s (YSO’s) hiring process should include basic screening measures for potential staff and volunteers through…
Policies & Procedures
Your Policies and Procedures must be continuously referred to throughout the year. At a minimum, an annual review of all policies and procedures…
Customized child sexual abuse prevention guidelines to meet the unique needs of any organization that serves children.
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