Screening Toolbox: Written Job/Volunteer Application & Statement of Suitability
A written application provides you with the information you need to assess the background and interests of applicants for your organization’s paid…
Home / Training / Training Program Design Checklist
Each youth-serving organization is unique, and each community has its own set of values, strengths, and challenges. Whether you use online or onsite training options, there are steps you can take to make sure they’re applied with maximum effectiveness, including:
According to the Massachusetts Sexual Violence Prevention Plan, prevention strategies must be based on an understanding that any population selected for prevention activities will include people who have already experienced sexual abuse or who have abused others. Prevention programs will, therefore, commit to avoiding re-traumatizing, blaming victims, or colluding with abusive behavior/attitudes. They should also ensure that those delivering prevention activities have sufficient knowledge, skills, and connection to specialized assessment and treatment services to be effective bridges to those services when disclosures do occur.
Screening & Hiring
A written application provides you with the information you need to assess the background and interests of applicants for your organization’s paid…
Screening & Hiring
Here’s how you can develop a screening policy that fits your organization’s role, size, and resources: Know the screening rules and…
Code of Conduct
Your Code of Ethics helps to guide the behavior and decision-making of your staff, volunteers, and participants by clarifying the standards and…
Monitoring Behavior
Monitoring Behavior is the responsibility of all staff to hold each other accountable for appropriate behaviors and to report inappropriate conduct…
Safe Environments
Your youth-serving organization may provide transportation to children and youth—either on a regular or occasional basis. If you’re a larger…
Mandated reporters are required to immediately report suspicions of child abuse and neglect to the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families…
Your organization has the opportunity to support and empower young people to feel confident, protected, and safe in their homes and communities….
Screening & Hiring
Certain organizations, such as public schools and licensed childcare programs, must also query national criminal record and fingerprint-based…
Screening & Hiring
Your Youth-Serving Organization’s (YSO’s) hiring process should include basic screening measures for potential staff and volunteers through…
Screening & Hiring
Your Youth-Serving Organization (YSO) should create protocols for the application, interviewing, and screening process. Each step of the process…
Customized child sexual abuse prevention guidelines to meet the unique needs of any organization that serves children.
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