How to Implement a Screening Policy
Start with Basic Screening It is very important that all applicants who provide direct services and who are seeking positions of trust—either…
Home / Training / Training Program Design Checklist
Each youth-serving organization is unique, and each community has its own set of values, strengths, and challenges. Whether you use online or onsite training options, there are steps you can take to make sure they’re applied with maximum effectiveness, including:
According to the Massachusetts Sexual Violence Prevention Plan, prevention strategies must be based on an understanding that any population selected for prevention activities will include people who have already experienced sexual abuse or who have abused others. Prevention programs will, therefore, commit to avoiding re-traumatizing, blaming victims, or colluding with abusive behavior/attitudes. They should also ensure that those delivering prevention activities have sufficient knowledge, skills, and connection to specialized assessment and treatment services to be effective bridges to those services when disclosures do occur.
Screening & Hiring
Start with Basic Screening It is very important that all applicants who provide direct services and who are seeking positions of trust—either…
Code of Conduct
Along with guiding appropriate behavior, your Code of Conduct should include a clear description of the lines of communication and reporting…
Community interaction and involvement is important in maintaining a culture of safety surrounding your Youth-Serving Organization (YSO). In order to…
Code of Conduct
Your Code of Conduct should cultivate standards of behavior for staff and volunteers at your Youth-Serving Organization (YSO) which prioritize child…
Screening & Hiring
Your Youth-Serving Organization (YSO) should create protocols for the application, interviewing, and screening process. Each step of the process…
Parents and other caregivers need to receive, at a minimum, the same level of prevention education as their child/youth. Parents can be strong…
Mandated reporters are required to immediately report suspicions of child abuse and neglect to the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families…
Ideally, all children/youth should receive training and education on issues of personal safety and abuse prevention. Personal safety and child…
Screening & Hiring
To determine what screening tools are most appropriate to use for a particular position and to ensure consistency in your screening protocols, we…
Screening & Hiring
When possible, it can be informative to observe an applicant in your environment with the child(ren) and youth you serve, to look for potential red…
Customized child sexual abuse prevention guidelines to meet the unique needs of any organization that serves children.
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