How to Implement a Screening Policy
Start with Basic Screening It is very important that all applicants who provide direct services and who are seeking positions of trust—either…
Home / Training / Grounding Training Programs in Informing Frameworks
The approaches in the chart below can provide frameworks that make your organization most effective when training adults and/or children/youth. Grounding the development of your training program in one or more of these frameworks will provide better results for the participants trained.
Screening & Hiring
Start with Basic Screening It is very important that all applicants who provide direct services and who are seeking positions of trust—either…
Ideally, all children/youth should receive training and education on issues of personal safety and abuse prevention. However, not every organization…
When a member of your staff suspects that a child is being abused and/or neglected, they are required to immediately call your local Department of…
Policies & Procedures
Your Policies and Procedures must be continuously referred to throughout the year. At a minimum, an annual review of all policies and procedures…
Safe Environments
Standards should be implemented to ensure safe physical spaces for children, such as clear sight–lines and visitor procedures. To ensure child…
Once you have identified your training expectations and standards and have researched current and available local and national training, explore…
Sometimes, a child/youth might self-disclose an abusive situation to an adult in your organization. These disclosures can be direct, where the child…
The term Human Trafficking is used by Department of Children and Families (DCF) as an umbrella term used to include two specific allegations of…
All staff must be aware of the warning signs and symptoms of child abuse and neglect, know how to respond appropriately, and report suspected cases…
Recognizing Abuse & Neglect The minimum required safety elements for you to prepare leadership, staff, and volunteers to recognize, respond…
Customized child sexual abuse prevention guidelines to meet the unique needs of any organization that serves children.
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