40th Annual San Diego International Conference on…
40th Annual San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment Presented by…
Youth Serving Organizations (YSOs) across Massachusetts are wrapping up their summer sessions to welcome thousands of children in the fall. Maintaining the safety practices implemented in the summer is vital to promoting a culture of safety at your YSO.
Review the following safety guidelines, before the fall session is begins:
All staff and volunteers must be adequately trained on child sexual abuse prevention at least annually, including, a review of your YSOs policies and procedure, including your Code of Conduct, recognizing the signs and symptoms of abuse and grooming
All staff and volunteers are aware of their legal duties under Massachusetts law to report suspicions of child abuse and neglect. Promote a culture of safety by creating an environment where all staff and volunteers are encouraged to discuss their concerns without fear, and report suspicions or disclosures of abuse immediately.
Lasting organizational change requires continuous reviewing, managing, and monitoring your abuse prevention programs. All employees are aware of their shared responsibility to hold each other accountable and conversations about child abuse prevention are the norm rather than the exception.
Keeping children safe is your number one priority as a YSO. Maintaining your culture of prevention tenures that every single child that walks through your doors is protected. For more information on how to prevent sexual abuse at your YSO, please visit safekidsthrive.org.
Customized child sexual abuse prevention guidelines to meet the unique needs of any organization that serves children.
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