40th Annual San Diego International Conference on…
40th Annual San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment Presented by…
Youth-Serving Organizations (YSOs) across Massachusetts are gearing up to host thousands of children and youth during the summer. Outdoor activities, overnight camps, and sports programs are important opportunities for children to establish new friendships and build new skills. YSOs also provide unique services, including fun activities, smaller staff-to-youth ratios, and time away from home to build essential life skills.
Before your YSO opens its doors, ensure the following safety guidelines have been addressed and acknowledged by all staff and volunteers:
During the summer, your YSO will open its doors to hundreds of eager children and youth. Keeping them safe will be your number one priority. For more information on how to prevent sexual abuse at your YSO, please visit safekidsthrive.org.
Customized child sexual abuse prevention guidelines to meet the unique needs of any organization that serves children.
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