Stop, Block, and Talk: Empowering Kids & Families to Stay Safe while Using Technology (1.5-2 hours) 

Home / Trainings / YSO Staff / Stop, Block, and Talk: Empowering Kids & Families to Stay Safe while Using Technology (1.5-2 hours) 

YSO Staff


Children’s Advocacy Center’s trainings focus on prevention, intervention, treatment, and therapy. Their goal is to ‘empower community members and professionals with information, knowledge, and tools to positively impact children and families who have experienced abuse’. These trainings focus on informing caregivers and professionals on many topics related to children’s safety. The trainings focus on awareness of child abuse, recognizing signs, responding and reporting abuse, and skill building for professionals helping victims recover. Trainings are customized for the needs of each organization, and many are offered free of charge 

Stop, Block, and Talk is a proactive approach that teaches kids a simple but memorable way to use websites, apps, and games in the smartest and safest way possible. Participants will learn: 

  • What are kids posting and how can it affect their future? 
  • What kinds of pressures do kids face? 
  • What are the risks associated with commonly used apps, sites, and games? 
  • How can kids reduce their risk through the Stop, Block, and Talk framework and by applying safety settings? 
  • How common is sexting? What is sextortion and how does it happen? 
  • What is the law pertaining to these issues in MA? 


Price upon request.


Children’s Advocacy Center of Suffolk County






1.5-2 hours.


Tech Safety Abuse Prevention