Trends in Child Sex Abuse Prevention & How to Make Them Work Locally
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Hosted by the Institute for Human Services (IHS).
Course Description: From Erin’s Law to Sex-Wise Parenting, from ‘situational awareness’ to staff training efforts, innovations in child sexual abuse prevention policy and practice are available to help keep children safer. This training will review current innovations in policy and practice, and end with a focus on how professionals working with families can support parents to promote sexual health and safety in their homes and community.
This intermediate-level, interactive course is appropriate for social workers, psychologists, and other human services professionals working in sex abuse prevention, policy, and practice. Prevention strategies that span all levels of the social ecology, i.e. individuals, groups, communities, and society will be presented for discussion.
Participants will be able to:
- Describe at least three innovative approaches to sexual abuse prevention, focusing on adult responsibility for child safety and initiatives for youth serving agencies.
- Apply key components of the National Plan to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation into their own community prevention, policy, and practice work.
- Incorporate key information on sexual anatomy, physiology and psychosexual development into their work with families to promote sexual health and safety.
August 15, 2023, 1:00 – 4:15 pm ET. Register or join the waitlist here.
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Customized child sexual abuse prevention guidelines to meet the unique needs of any organization that serves children.
- Evidence-informed guidance
- Actionable prevention steps
- Keeps track of your progress
- Tailored learning tracks