40th Annual San Diego International Conference on…
40th Annual San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment Presented by…
Home / Join the Community / Through the Lens of Trauma: Preventing & Responding to Harmful Sexual Behavior in Young People
If we want to address and prevent sexual behavior problems with children and adolescents, we need to incorporate knowledge about the development of sexually abusive behavior into a comprehensive primary prevention scheme woven into the fabric of schools, clinical therapy, social services, and public policy. This 1-hour session will discuss a primary prevention perspective that looks holistically at the causes and consequences of interpersonal trauma and its far-reaching effects for children, families, communities, and systems of care. This session will challenge attendees to think about abuse and resilience through the lens of trauma, so we can enhance our approaches to children with sexual behavior problems (CSBP). Trauma-informed frameworks provide an innovative approach for treatment and prevention. This session will describe how a history of trauma might influence a child’s behavior, boundaries, and self-regulation. A set of trauma-informed practices (TIPs) will give specific strategies for integrating TIC into services designed to prevent and respond to CSBP.
February 27, 2024 from 12:00 – 1:00pm EST. Register here.
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