Sibling Sexual Abuse with Stuart Allardyce
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PSB Lunch and Learn Series Fall 2023: Sibling Sexual Abuse with Stuart Allardyce
Sibling sexual is perhaps the most common form of intrafamilial sexual harm, yet cases involving sibling sexual abuse can be very challenging for practitioners and agencies, and outcomes for children affected and their families are often suboptimal. This workshop will cover content of two recent publications by the UK based ‘Centre of expertise in child sexual abuse’ written for social workers and other professionals. They outline current knowledge and evidence in the sibling sexual abuse field and look at how that knowledge can be used to inform how we positively support a family’s journey, from identification of harm, safety planning and assessment, through to intervention, case closure and aftercare support. The workshop will also draw on recent research on the lived experiences of adult survivors of sibling sexual abuse and how that can inform child protection decision making and better outcomes for families.
Learning Objectives:
- Understanding sibling sexual behavior from a child development perspective
- Being able to outline key components of a robust assessment after sibling sexual abuse has been identified
- Having an overview of strengths and weaknesses in research into interventions for families are children affected after sibling sexual abuse is identified.
December 19, 2023, from 12:00 pm – 1:00 PM EST. Register here.
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Customized child sexual abuse prevention guidelines to meet the unique needs of any organization that serves children.
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