Youth with Problematic Sexual Behaviors on Sex…
Youth with Problematic Sexual Behaviors on Sex Offender Registries: Risk or…
Home / Join the Community / Circles of Safety Awareness to Action by Stop It Now!
Stop It Now! prevents the sexual abuse of children by mobilizing adults, families and communities to take actions that protect children before they are harmed.
We provide support, information and resources to keep children safe and create healthier communities. Since 1992, we have identified, refined and shared effective ways for individuals, families and communities to act to prevent child sexual abuse before children are harmed – and to get help for everyone involved.
This core training equips youth-serving professionals to prevent child sex abuse through learning how to strengthen protective factors that support children’s healthy and safe sexual development, identify and respond to warning signs in children and adult’s behaviors in their programs, and design safety plans to address safe boundaries, privacy, consent and respect. This course is a mix of lecture, discussion, reflection, and exercises. It is strongly recommended that participants are on-camera throughout the training to facilitate an engaging online classroom experience.
This is a 12-hour virtual training, delivered over 4 days.
In four (4) online classes everyday throughout the week, attendees will become better prepared to support children’s healthy and safe sexual development, identify and respond to warning signs in children and adult’s behaviors in their programs, and design safety plans to address safe boundaries, privacy, consent and respect.
Dates: Monday, May 13 through Thursday, May 16
Times: 1PM to 4PM EST. CEs have been applied for.
Cost: $285 ($310 with CE credits, $300 with optional purchase of hard-copy manual, or $325 with CE credits and purchase of hard-copy manual)
Recommended Audience: Professional caregivers, (i.e. foster parents, youth residential staff, youth program support staff, sexual assault and response professionals, child protective service professionals, child and family advocacy professionals, educational professionals) youth-serving organization employees in any role, and anyone interested in preventing child sexual abuse.
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Customized child sexual abuse prevention guidelines to meet the unique needs of any organization that serves children.
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