Youth with Problematic Sexual Behaviors on Sex…
Youth with Problematic Sexual Behaviors on Sex Offender Registries: Risk or…
Overnight camp, day camp, sports camp, music camp, math camp, and many other camp and summer activities are right around the corner and offer wonderful experiences for children that can last a lifetime. Whether the camp or activity you’re considering is public or private, school or university affiliated, part of a city-sponsored offering of summer activities, or faith based, now is a good time to ask program sponsors and administrators a few questions that will help to ensure your children will be protected from child sexual abuse while under their care.
Parents have every right to raise questions about a variety of safety related issues and responsibilities. Use the sample checklist below to help you determine if a camp or summer program is ready and able to accept the responsibility of caring for your children:
Please find guidance on how to talk to your children about sexual abuse prevention here. Visit the American Camp Association (ACA) to learn more about choosing the right camp for your child and accredited programs. The ACA also provides a searchable database of 350 accredited U.S. camps and summer programs you can find here.
Customized child sexual abuse prevention guidelines to meet the unique needs of any organization that serves children.
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