27th Annual MASOC & MATSA Joint Conference:…
27th Annual MASOC & MATSA Joint Conference: Preventing Sexual Violence through Assessment,…
Home / About / About Prevention
We know that child sexual abuse can be prevented—so our approach emphasizes prevention by establishing an understanding of what abuse is, how to recognize it, and how it occurs. We begin with a basic tutorial on the numbers and types of child sexual abuse victims—both nationally and in Massachusetts—and provide state-specific definitions of the different kinds of child abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
Then, we highlight the physical and behavioral symptoms exhibited by children who are being subjected to physical, sexual, or emotional abuse. Since the onset of these symptoms typically occurs when abuse has already taken place, prevention strategies must account for precursor or “grooming” behaviors exhibited by those who would harm children and youth—a prime focus for intervention.
A comprehensive child abuse prevention framework is a proactive one. It aims to identify and prevent child abuse before it occurs, or ensures its earliest possible detection and reporting.
The elements of a proactive framework include:
Safe Kids Thrive provides details on how these elements prevent child maltreatment, requirements and best practices that make them effective, strategies and tools to create and sustain them, and ways to maximize their effectiveness by tailoring them to meet the needs of Massachusetts’ Youth-Serving Organizations of every type, size, and population.
Our framework is supported by additional elements that contribute to the effectiveness and sustained success of prevention, including:
Customized child sexual abuse prevention guidelines to meet the unique needs of any organization that serves children.
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